class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Interactive dataviz on the web with R & plotly ### Carson Sievert ### Slides:
Slides released under
Creative Commons
--- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <style> .principles { font-size: 150%; } </style> <h2 align="center"> Your turn </h2> ### Open the slides []( ### Go to this address []( .footnote[ --- Time: 2 minutes ] --- class: middle, principles <h3 align="center"> About me </h3> * PhD in statistics at Iowa State with Heike Hofmann & Di Cook (Dec 2016) * Thesis: [Interfacing R with web technologies]( * CEO of [Sievert Consulting]( LLC (Jan 2017 - Present) * Services: product development, statistical modeling, and R training * Clients: plotly, Sandia Labs, NOAA, LL Bean * Expert at Library of Congress (June 2018 - Present) * Provide statistical expertise for DoD, BJS, and other US Federal Government projects * I ❤️ interactive data visualization * Maintain/author R 📦s: plotly, LDAvis, animint --- background-image: url(workflow.svg) background-size: contain class: inverse # Data science workflow --- background-image: url(workflow1.svg) background-size: contain class: inverse ## Web graphics are great for presentation! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ### Sharable, portable, composable (i.e., reports, dashboards, etc) --- background-image: url(workflow2.svg) background-size: contain class: inverse ## Web technologies aren't designed for this iteration! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ### Follow-up questions (ignited through visualization) may rely on sophisticated computations --- class: principles ## ...but interactivity augments exploration * Identify structure that otherwise goes missing ([Tukey 1972]( * Search for information quickly without fully specified questions<sup>1</sup> ([Unwin & Hofmann, 2000]( * Multiple linked views are the optimal framework for posing queries about data ([Buja, Cook, & Swayne 1996]( * Diagnose, compare, and understand models ([Wickham, Cook, & Hofmann 2015]( .footnote[ --- [1]: Worried about inference? See visual ([Majumder et al 2013]( and post-selection ([Berk et al 2013]( inference frameworks. ] --- background-image: url(workflow2.svg) background-size: 400px background-position: 90% 8% class: inverse, middle, center ## Interactive graphics can <font color="red">augment exploratory analysis</font>, but are only practical when we can <font color="red">iterate quickly</font> --- background-image: url(workflow1.svg) background-size: 400px background-position: 90% 8% class: inverse, middle, center ## Interactive graphics can <font color="red">enhance presentation</font>, but are only practical when <font color="red">easily distributed</font> --- background-image: url(server-client.svg) background-size: contain class: middle, right # When is a web application necessary? --- background-image: url(server-client-dim.svg) background-size: contain class: middle, right # Easier to share, scale, and maintain --- background-image: url(server-client-dim.svg) background-size: contain class: middle, right # Client-side technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS --- background-image: url(server-client-dim.svg) background-size: contain class: middle, right # DYK: Many R packages generate HTML/JavaScript... .footnote[ ...via **htmlwidgets** and **htmltools** ] --- background-image: url(server-client-dim.svg) background-size: contain class: middle, right # plotly can do a lot in a standalone page! --- class: middle, principles, inverse <h2 align="center"> plotly's client-side reactivity options </h2> 1. Graphical (database) queries * In _plotly for R_, I call this [linking views without shiny]( 2. Respond to plotly [sliders](, [buttons](, and [dropdowns]( via [plotly.js functions]( 3. Custom JavaScript via `htmlwidgets::onRender()` * Respond to [plotly.js events]( in a custom way --- class: middle, principles, inverse <h2 align="center"> plotly's client-side reactivity options </h2> 1. __Graphical (database) queries__ * __In _plotly for R_, I call this [linking views without shiny]( 2. Respond to plotly [sliders](, [buttons](, and [dropdowns]( via [plotly.js functions]( 3. Custom JavaScript via `htmlwidgets::onRender()` * Respond to [plotly.js events]( in a custom way --- ### Make ggplot2 interactive ```r library(plotly) p <- ggplot(txhousing) + geom_line(aes(date, median, group = city)) ggplotly(p) ``` <iframe src="txbasic.html" width="100%" height="650" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ### Customize tooltip ```r library(plotly) p <- ggplot(txhousing) + geom_line(aes(date, median, group = city, text = city)) ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text") ``` <iframe src="txtooltip.html" width="100%" height="650" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ### Highlight a key (e.g. city) column ```r library(plotly) *tx <- highlight_key(txhousing, ~city) p <- ggplot(tx) + geom_line(aes(date, median, group = city, text = city)) gg <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text") *highlight(gg, on = "plotly_click") ``` <iframe src="txhighlight.html" width="100%" height="650" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ### Direct/indirect manipulation & persistent highlighting! ```r gg <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text") *highlight(gg, on = "plotly_hover", selectize = TRUE, dynamic = TRUE) ``` <iframe src="txmodes.html" width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ### Link aggregates to raw data <iframe src="txmissing.html" width="100%" height="650" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- background-image: url(pipeline.svg) background-size: contain class: bottom, left ## "Linking as a <br> database query" --- background-image: url(pipeline.svg) background-size: contain class: bottom, left .pull-left[ ```sql SELECT * FROM table WHERE city == "South Padre Island" ``` ] --- background-image: url(../gifs/storms.gif) background-size: contain class: bottom, left ### Works with 3D! --- background-image: url(../gifs/mapbox-aggregates.gif) background-size: contain class: bottom, left ### Works with aggregates (& mapbox)! --- background-image: url(../gifs/us-arrests.gif) background-size: contain class: bottom, left ### Works with list-columns & animation! --- background-image: url(../gifs/dt-trails.gif) background-size: contain class: bottom, left ### Works with other htmlwidgets --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> <em>Choose</em> Your Turn </h2> (A) Think of a question you'd like to ask of your data via a (linked) interactive graphic (bonus: draw it)! (B) Study [the code]( for generating [this visual](#21). How does it work? .footnote[ --- Time: 5 minutes ] --- ## Texas housing prices ```r tx <- txhousing %>% select(city, year, month, median) %>% filter(city %in% c("Galveston", "Midland", "Odessa", "South Padre Island")) ``` ```r #> # A tibble: 748 x 4 #> city year month median #> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Galveston 2000 1 95000 #> 2 Galveston 2000 2 100000 #> 3 Galveston 2000 3 98300 #> 4 Galveston 2000 4 111100 #> 5 Galveston 2000 5 89200 #> 6 Galveston 2000 6 108600 #> 7 Galveston 2000 7 99000 #> 8 Galveston 2000 8 96200 #> 9 Galveston 2000 9 104000 #> 10 Galveston 2000 10 118800 #> # ... with 738 more rows ``` #### How does price differ across cities? --- ### Price versus month, by city & year ```r library(ggplot2) ggplot(tx, aes(month, median, group = year)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~city, ncol = 2) ``` <div align="center"> <img src="small-multiples.png" width="90%"> </div> --- ### Query specific years ```r library(plotly) *TX <- highlight_key(tx, ~year) p <- ggplot(TX, aes(month, median, group = year)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~city, ncol = 2) *ggplotly(p, tooltip = "year") ``` <a href="08-small-multiples.html" target="_blank"> <div align="center"> <img src="08-small-multiples.png" width="90%"> </div> </a> --- ## Set selection mode and default selections ```r highlight(.Last.value, on = "plotly_hover", defaultValues = 2006) ``` <a href="08-modes.html" target="_blank"> <div align="center"> <img src="08-modes.png" width="100%"> </div> </a> --- ## Make comparisons with dynamic brush ```r highlight(.Last.value, dynamic = TRUE, persistent = TRUE, selectize = TRUE) ``` <a href="08-dynamic.html" target="_blank"> <div align="center"> <img src="08-dynamic.png" width="90%"> </div> </a> --- ## Customize the appearance of selections ```r highlight( .Last.value, dynamic = TRUE, persistent = TRUE, * selected = attrs_selected(mode = "markers+lines", marker = list(symbol = "x")) ) ``` <a href="08-custom.html" target="_blank"> <div align="center"> <img src="08-custom.png" width="80%"> </div> </a> --- ## Automate queries via animation ```r p <- ggplot(tx, aes(month, median)) + geom_line(aes(group = year), alpha = 0.2) + * geom_line(aes(frame = year), color = "red") + facet_wrap(~city, ncol = 2) ggplotly(p) ``` <a href="08-automate.html" target="_blank"> <div align="center"> <img src="08-automate.png" width="90%"> </div> </a> --- class: middle, inverse background-image: url(../gifs/epl-compare.gif) background-size: contain # Generally useful for comparing within/across panels! .footnote[ [interactive](epl.html) ] --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> Your Turn </h2> Run the following R code to generate the soccer visualization: ```r demo("crosstalk-highlight-epl-2", package = "plotly") ``` 1. Compare the performance of 'Liverpool' with 'Chelsea'. 2. Run `plotly_json()`. What does this return? <hr> Time: 3 minutes --- ## Inspect the underlying data `plotly_json()` returns the underlying JSON of any **plotly** graph -- nice way to learn how `ggplotly()` maps to [plotly.js](! <iframe src="epl-json.html" width="100%" height="550" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse background-image: url(printing.svg) background-size: contain --- ## Want to work with plotly.js directly? `schema()` returns the official plotly.js [figure reference]( tied to the R package <iframe src="schema.html" width="100%" height="550" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- <h2 align="center"> <b>plotly</b> is much more than <code>ggplotly()</code>! </h2> #### Initiate a plotly graph (without ggplot2): * `plot_ly()`: 'flexible' interface to [plotly.js]( * `plot_mapbox()`: `plot_ly()` wrapper/shortcut for [scattermapbox]( * `plot_geo()`: `plot_ly()` wrapper/shortcut for [scattergeo]( #### Add data (i.e., traces) to a graph * `add_markers()`, `add_bars()`, etc (see [`help(add_trace)`]( for full list) #### Modify a graph (before printing) * `style()` to modify traces of an existing plotly graph * `layout()` to add/modify to a [layout component]( #### Tools for talking with plotly cloud * Send data and/or graphs with `api_create()` * Retrieve data and/or graphs with `api_download_plot()`/`api_download_grid()` * Do anything the [plotly's server API]( supports with `api()` --- ### 'Smart' trace type defaults ```r subplot( plot_ly(diamonds, x = ~cut, y = ~clarity), plot_ly(diamonds, x = ~cut, color = ~clarity), nrows = 2, shareX = TRUE ) ``` <iframe src="diamonds.html" width="90%" height="550" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> Your Turn </h2> Use `plotly_json()` to study how the R code (on the [last slide](#42)) maps to JSON. **NOTE**: We don't have time to cover `plot_ly()` in depth..learn more in the [plotly cookbook]( chapter of the [plotly for R book]( .footnote[ --- Time: 3 minutes ] --- ## Aggregating selections <iframe src="02-binned-target-a.html" width="100%" height="550" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ```r library(plotly) d <- highlight_key(mpg) dots <- plot_ly(d, color = ~class, x = ~displ, y = ~cyl) boxs <- plot_ly(d, color = ~class, x = ~class, y = ~cty) %>% add_boxplot() bars <- plot_ly(d, colors = "Set1", x = ~class, color = ~class) subplot(dots, boxs, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% subplot(bars, nrows = 2, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% layout( barmode = "overlay", showlegend = FALSE ) %>% highlight("plotly_selected") ``` --- ## Aggregating selections (continued) <iframe src="02-binned-target-b.html" width="100%" height="400" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ```r library(plotly) d <- highlight_key(mtcars) sp <- plot_ly(d, x = ~mpg, y = ~disp) %>% add_markers(color = I("black")) # 'statistical trace types' hist <- plot_ly(d, x = ~factor(cyl)) %>% add_histogram(color = I("black")) box <- plot_ly(d, y = ~disp, color = I("black")) %>% add_boxplot(name = " ") violin <- plot_ly(d, y = ~disp, color = I("black")) %>% add_trace(type = "violin", name = " ") subplot(sp, box, violin, shareY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% subplot(hist, widths = c(.75, .25), titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% layout( barmode = "overlay", title = "Click and drag scatterplot", showlegend = FALSE ) %>% highlight("plotly_selected") ``` --- ## Aggregating selections (continued) <iframe src="02-binned-target-c.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ```r library(plotly) tx <- highlight_key(txhousing, ~city) p1 <- ggplot(tx, aes(date, median, group = city)) + geom_line() gg1 <- ggplotly(p1, tooltip = c("city", "date", "median")) p2 <- plot_ly(tx, x = ~median, color = I("black")) %>% add_histogram(histnorm = "probability density") subplot(gg1, p2, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>% layout(barmode = "overlay") %>% highlight(dynamic = TRUE, selected = attrs_selected(opacity = 0.3)) ``` --- ## Talk with other htmlwidgets ```r library(leaflet) sd <- highlight_key(quakes) p <- plot_ly(sd, x = ~depth, y = ~mag) %>% add_markers(alpha = 0.5) %>% highlight("plotly_selected") map <- leaflet(sd) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircles() crosstalk::bscols(p, map) ``` <iframe src="05-leaflet.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ### Linking plotly with DT ```r library(plotly) data(trails, package = "mapview") tsd <- highlight_key(trails) crosstalk::bscols( plot_mapbox(tsd, text = ~FKN, hoverinfo = "text"), DT::datatable(tsd) ) ``` <iframe src="05-DT.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: center, middle, inverse ## Expectations vs reality .pull-left[ <img src="" height = "500" /> ] .pull-right[ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> **plotly** has advanced support for *highlight* events (e.g., `persistent`, `dynamic`, `selectize`) Other [**crosstalk**-enabled htmlwidgets]( likely won't respect (non-default) `highlight()` options. However, *filter* events should generally be supported. ] --- class: middle, center, principles # Filter vs highlight *Highlight* events **dim the opacity** of existing marks. *Filter* events **completely removes** existing marks and rescales axes. At least currently, *filter* events must be fired from **crosstalk** widgets. --- background-image: url(../gifs/filter-vs-highlight.gif) background-size: contain --- ## Crosstalk's filtering widgets ```r library(crosstalk) tx <- highlight_key(txhousing) widgets <- bscols( widths = c(12, 12, 12), filter_select("city", "Cities", tx, ~city), filter_slider("sales", "Sales", tx, ~sales), filter_checkbox("year", "Years", tx, ~year, inline = TRUE) ) widgets ``` <iframe src="03-filter-widgets.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Filtering ```r bscols( widths = c(4, 8), widgets, plot_ly(tx, x = ~date, y = ~median, showlegend = FALSE) %>% add_lines(color = ~city, colors = "black") ) ``` <iframe src="04-filter.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> Your turn </h2> 1. Use `htmlwidgets::saveWidget()` to save a **plotly** graph (e.g. `plot_ly()`). What's the size of the HTML file it creates? 2. Use `htmltools::save_html()` to save the **plotly**+**leaflet** example. What's the size of the HTML file it creates? 3. What's the difference between using `saveWidget()` and `save_html()`? When is one preferred to the other? .footnote[ --- Time: 5 minutes ] --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(htmltools.svg) background-size: contain --- class: middle, principles, inverse <h2 align="center"> plotly's client-side reactivity options </h2> 1. Graphical (database) queries * In _plotly for R_, I call this [linking views without shiny]( 2. __Respond to plotly [sliders](, [buttons](, and [dropdowns]( via [plotly.js functions]( 3. Custom JavaScript via `htmlwidgets::onRender()` * Respond to [plotly.js events]( in a custom way --- ## Dropdown example <iframe src="dropdown.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## The implementation ```r styles <- schema()$layout$layoutAttributes$mapbox$style$values style_buttons <- lapply(styles, function(s) { list(label = s, method = "relayout", args = list("", s)) }) storms <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/storms_xyz.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE) plot_mapbox(storms, color = I("red")) %>% layout( title = "Changing the base layer", updatemenus = list(list(y = 0.8, buttons = style_buttons)) ) ``` --- class: middle, principles, inverse <h2 align="center"> plotly's client-side reactivity options </h2> 1. Graphical (database) queries * In _plotly for R_, I call this [linking views without shiny]( 2. Respond to plotly [sliders](, [buttons](, and [dropdowns]( via [plotly.js functions]( 3. __Custom JavaScript via `htmlwidgets::onRender()`__ * __Respond to [plotly.js events]( in a custom way__ --- ### Google search on click The `customdata` attribute provides a way to attach "meta-data" to visual attributes that you can access with JavaScript ```r plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg) %>% add_markers(customdata = ~paste0("", rownames(mtcars))) %>% htmlwidgets::onRender("function(el, x) { el.on('plotly_click', function(d) { var url = d.points[0].customdata;; }); }") ``` <iframe src="google.html" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: middle, inverse, principles ## Demo In the [RStudio cloud project](, open the 'customdata.R' script: ```r file.edit("~/customdata.R") ``` --- class: center, middle # Hello <img src="" width=100 /> 👋 ```r shiny::runApp("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/01", display.mode = "showcase") ``` --- class: center, middle # Accessing plotly user events ```r shiny::runApp("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/02", display.mode = "showcase") ``` --- class: inverse, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> Your turn </h2> 1. Modify the last app to use `plot_ly()` instead of `ggplotly()` 2. Add output blocks that print out data from the following events: * `"plotly_hover"` * `"plotly_click"` * `"plotly_relayout"` .footnote[ --- Time: 5 minutes ] --- class: center, middle # Targetting events ```r shiny::runApp("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/03", display.mode = "showcase") ``` .footnote[ See also <> ] --- class: center, middle # plotly proxies By default, **shiny updates require a full redraw**, but proxies allows us to leverage [the plotly.js API]( to modify/update graphs more efficiently ```r shiny::runApp("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/04", display.mode = "showcase") ``` --- class: center, middle # Streaming data ```r shiny::runApp("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/05", display.mode = "showcase") ``` .footnote[ Inspired by <> ] --- class: inverse, middle background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain <h2 align="center"> Your turn </h2> Open the last example ```r file.edit("~/tutorials/20180711/shiny/05/app.R") ``` Modify it to do the following: 1. Add `sliderInput()` for controlling the streaming interval. 2. Add a widgets to: * Change *only* the width of the line * Change *only* the color of the line * *Only* add/remove markers (e.g. points) for each data point <hr> Time: 10 minutes Hint: some of these shiny example apps will be helpful (e.g. `proxy_restyle_economics`) -- <> --- class: inverse, center, middle, principles background-image: url(your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your turn Remember [this](#28) "your turn"? Let's try to implement it! --- background-image: url(plotly.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 90% 8% class: center, middle # Thanks! Resources for more learning: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Find me online: Web: <> <br /> Twitter: [@cpsievert]( <br /> GitHub: [@cpsievert]( <br /> Email: <> --- background-image: url(plotly.svg) background-size: contain # Ask me anything!!